
Aftersometimeexploringtheplayer'shouse,theplayeristakentoadreamlikelocationwithagingerbreadhouse-likehutthatservesasasortofhublevel.,AmongtheSleepisafirst-personsurvivalhorroraction-adventurevideogamedevelopedbyNorwegiandeveloperKrillbiteStudioforMicrosoftWindows,OSX, ...,2015年2月18日—Whatyouwerewanderingthroughwasn'tjustanightmare.Itwasatoddler'sperspectiveonaparent'sdrunkenrampage.Piecesoft...

Story | Among The Sleep Game Wiki

After some time exploring the player's house, the player is taken to a dreamlike location with a gingerbread house-like hut that serves as a sort of hub level.

Among the Sleep

Among the Sleep is a first-person survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Norwegian developer Krillbite Studio for Microsoft Windows, OS X, ...

Story Analysis: Among the Sleep

2015年2月18日 — What you were wandering through wasn't just a nightmare. It was a toddler's perspective on a parent's drunken rampage. Pieces of things you saw ...

Story meaning? Spoilers, obviously! :

2014年5月31日 — He's a monster for defying god. He cries. The mother goes into a drunken rage... Both are monsters then at this point. If you recall at a part ...

Among the Sleep

Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition is a new and improved version of the award winning first person horror adventure. In the game you play as a small child ...

Among the Sleep

Among the Sleep is a first person horror adventure, in which you play a two year old child. After waking up in the middle of the night to mysterious sounds, you ...

Among the Sleep » Analysis

Throughout the game, the toddler encounters three monsters: The first is a frizzy-haired shadowy creature with an umbrella, who provides a jumpscare in the home ...


2016年1月4日 — In this tale you play a toddler in search of his missing mother, traversing through various nightmarish worlds to find and recapture heartfelt ...

Among the Sleep (Video Game 2014)

A 2 year old child takes on a twisted mind of the past, present, and future of memories with a stressed mother and a teddy bear he was given. When he enters his ...